Can i run dishonored 2?


Aug 7, 2015
So i know that the specs are yet to be released but considering that it has the same engine as doom and i can run doom at nearly max settings 900p with 40 fps could i run dishonored 2? i just want your opinions
I live in Greece and the prices here are a nightmare but i found the 4gb version of msi gaming for 250 euros which isnt bad for so many taxes and vat but i have a 500w psu from coolermaster the rx 470 uses less power than 270? lets hope so going to check some reviews for it
Sounds good.
Considering prices are high and your budget is tight, your power supply should be fine.
Coolermaster are usually decent, but not too good. Will get the job done with the load required from the RX470, but if you put say a 1060 or 1070 in there, I'd upgrade.
Chugalug_ i found the 1060 sc with a single fan itx model from evga for the same price as the rx 470 as a discount should i go for it with that psu? will it explode? the evga site says max is 120 wats