Hey guys.I have an amd fx 4130 3.8 ghz overclocked to 4.3 an VTX3D RADEON HD 7770 750w psu and as the title says im wondering if im able to land at least 35-40 fps with settings on high or ultra.Thnks 🙂x
As timil said, it'll run fine. Not sure on what quality specs, the 7770 is pretty good though. High or Ultra? Does it really matter? I'm sure you can tweak it to make it look really good, adding SSAO and higher AA is just going to crush performance for very little visual gratification.
Ssao is ambient occlusion it puts a shadowy halo around things to simulate realistic lighting. Leave it on ssao or try hdao. Dont use hbao its for nvidia cards
Ssao is ambient occlusion it puts a shadowy halo around things to simulate realistic lighting. Leave it on ssao or try hdao. Dont use hbao its for nvidia cards
What does AA mean then. Never knew this so help. 😀
I tried fc3 on a core 2duo pcu with nvidia 9600gt 1gb ddr3 with 3gb ram and all in high settings and played reeealy smoothly.With at least 25-40 fps.So i guess on my pc it would MUUUUCH BETTER.Right?