can i run gta 5 on nvidia gt 730 2gb ddr3 low profile 128bit.


Jul 9, 2016
Hi everyone! I am here to ask that can i run gta 5 on gt 730 2gb 128bit ddr3 low profile. I have hp 8000 elite sff. If i can then how much fps do i get on 720p? My specs are these

Intel core 2 quad 3.4
6gb ddr3 ram
500 gb seagate

Thanx in advance. Will apreciate every help!

Here is the link of the card i want to buy

I am not a gamer but i just want to play this awesome game!!! So plz help!

dont draw people away from here we are here to help 🙁
now that being said a gt 730 will run gta 5 minimum settings at <720p decently but a 750 ti or 950 is a MUCH better choice for your rig or even a r7 250 gddr5 is much better than that 730
I tested GTA 5 with some graphics cards

one of them was Gigabyte GT 730 DDR3 64bit (Keppler) with i7 5820K 4.0GHz + DDR4 16GB

800x600 very low setting: 40 FPS

I7 5820K

My friend played gta 5 on asus gt 610 2gb on normal settings 720p and he get 22 to 30 fps. And gt 730 is way better than that!! And there is no low option of graphics in the game just normal, high, very high, and ultra!

dont draw people away from here we are here to help 🙁
now that being said a gt 730 will run gta 5 minimum settings at <720p decently but a 750 ti or 950 is a MUCH better choice for your rig or even a r7 250 gddr5 is much better than that 730
Thanx Epicness937

But gtx 750 and 750ti low profile is not avaliable in my country and the full height wont run on my pc! And its out of my budget... I just want to play gta 5 even on normal settings dx10 vsync off. At 1024x786 resolution! Can i play gta 5 on these settings with average 25 fps???

can you afford a r7 250 gddr5?
its a better card than a 730 and about the same price

the 250 works on a 350w but not on a 250w is there anyway you can upgrade it? as a gt 730 is not even a great idea on that

My bad 🙁(

its fine :)

I will ask my bank company to lend me few hundred dollars so I can buy gt 730 and intel core 2 for that guy and test out gta 5. Gimme a few weeks and I'll test that out.

I'll not run gtx1070 on this pc for god sake! On my next birthday i'll be getting an asus 970 pro gaming am3 custom build pc then i'll run gtx 1070 on it!

oh ok that makes some sense but keep in mind by that time amd's am4 cpus will come out and investing in a am3 platform unless its a fx 6300/8320E for standard gaming as i would say its better than a i3 other than that its not worth it 100% because no fx cpu can handle a 1070