Can I run H1Z1?


Jul 25, 2014
Let me be clear, I can run advanced games such as:
Battlefield 4
Advanced warfare, with smooth frame rates, but:

Apparentley, my CPU isn't reccomended for the game

Recommended: Intel Core i5-2310 2.9GHz or AMD Phenom II X6 1045T 2.7GHz
I have: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2130 CPU @ 3.40GHz

Not too big on CPU' it about the type or about the Ghz?

Or in other words


(Always says my vid card isn't recommended, but always runs smooth)
u should be abel to run it 1080P med sittings the game isnt out yet so we dont know how well it is optimized only time will tell

but for now u should expect medium settings 60FPS no AA
it really depends but u don't have a bottleneck in your system so u don't have to worry about anything

CPU is OK RAM is OK GPU IS OK all depends on the game optimization really like for instance i can maxout Far cry 4 butter smooth with my 7950 @ 1300/1900

but i can only get 40FPS on assassins creed unity maxed out without AA and also insane stutter