Can i run these games?


Dec 13, 2013
Hello, I need to know if i can run these games can be run on my pc, and if i can max them out and still get at least 30fps. The games are: Assassins creed IV black flag, and splinter cell blacklist I already have the games, I got them free with a promotion (on uplay).
My specs are: Intel pentium g860, nvidia geforce gtx 660, and 8gb of ram, I am unsure what motherboard i have (can't remember) na d not sure what speed my ram runs at either. I can run driver san fransisco and skyrim maxed out, and cod ghosts with some settings reduced, I get horrendous lag otherwise, and it still lags on these settings, particularly the cinematic cutcenes. I ask because the minumum system requirements for black flag states you need a core 2 quad.
processor and gpu is enough to play all the games in medium to ultra . if the motherboard manufacturer is mercury or zebronix like brands u get the lags is sure . rem is also ok . check u r using 32bit or 64bit os , because 32bit os limit the ram to 3.5gb . i am play all the above games in g630 and g2010 in intel 61ho motherboard and integrated intel hd2500 gpu all work fine without any lags in medium .

name of desktop only thing i see wrong with your rig is the pentium a i5 2500 would most likely work on your system since its sandy bridge processor installed.

but it also could run i5 3350p which is better in terms of power consumption and probly cheaper

need more info about your desktop or motherboard preferably a name of the desktop or motherboard name check under control panel system or hardware
Your GPU will do fine don't worry but keep in mind that your CPU is quite a bottleneck, I'm not sure for ACIV nor Splinter Cell but for BF4 a quad core is preferable. Now, again don't worry you'll be able to play games even on max settings (maybe depth of field on normal and one or two tweaks) but you'll probably have occasional lags in some CPU intensive parts. Not a big deal though.