Can I run THIEF?


Mar 30, 2014
Hello, i'm wondering if I can run the game THIEF. My specs are:

PSU:Corsair CX 500W
CPU:AMD FM2 Athlon X4 750K
RAM:Kingston DDR3 HyperX 1600MHz 8GB 2x4
Video card: R7 265 2 GB GDDR5
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 500GB SATA 3.0
OS:Windows 8.1

If I can run this game, can I run it 1920x1080? And what kind of quality, low,medium,high? :)


The 750K should be about 3.4-3.8Ghz, but that doesn't matter as much as the architecture.

Anyway, the PC just barely misses the recommended specs, but far exceeds minimum. He should be fine for medium settings, maybe high in the best case scenario.