Hi, so I was planning on buying this gpu: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487024&cm_re=gtx_750_ti-_-14-487-024-_-Product
And I wasn't sure if my power supply would cut it, there is a picture of my power supply below but I'm not sure what it means because of the foreign language and I want to be sure I can use it. Currently I have a Nvidia Geforce GT 620 2 GB if that provides a comparison.
http://imgur.com/mtsR25B this is on my power supply
I appreciate any help, thanks.
And I wasn't sure if my power supply would cut it, there is a picture of my power supply below but I'm not sure what it means because of the foreign language and I want to be sure I can use it. Currently I have a Nvidia Geforce GT 620 2 GB if that provides a comparison.
http://imgur.com/mtsR25B this is on my power supply
I appreciate any help, thanks.