can i run this gtx 1050 ti with my psu and my monitor? rush question asap

Sean Racacho

Aug 17, 2015
i had ordered the gigabyte gtx 1050 ti (GV-N105TWF2OC-4GD) that have 6pin connector,

the problem is that my 700w psu doesn't have a 6pin connector
but i have my old molex to 6pin adapter

and another problem is that my monitor (1360x768) is VGA only and the 1050 ti is DVI HDMI DP
so i bought an HDMI to VGA converter.

my gtx 1050 ti will probably arrive today. and im asking to make sure that my pc will run fine. so the question is will it run fine?

ps: i am currently running a gtx 750 ti with no required 6 pin connector

z77m-d3h gigabyte motherboard
intel i3-2120
8gb ram
700w psu

im sorry that i have low end specs. doesn't have much budget right now, just trying to run gtx 1050 ti
I think you'll probably be okay with the adapter for the 6 pin. The card doesn't use all that much power, so I think it's a moot point. I myself would have gone with the model that doesn't require the 6 pin because the slightly lower clock speed won't matter in any real sense. Your CPU is going to limit performance more than the videocard clock speed difference between two models of the same GPU. At that low a resolution no 1050 Ti should have any trouble running games.
Theoretically yes the PSU will work. However due to the fact that it doesn't have a modern connection (1 6 pin) for a 700W PSU, it gives me the impression that it is a very low quality PSU. What brand is the PSU?

For the Monitor, it should work just fine.

yes the psu i have is low quality (electron plus) it is a temporary psu
i have the antec platinum 550w psu but my pc just woudnt turn on with it. don't know how to repair it

i have another problem about the molex to 6-pin adapter. i have read on other forums that it heats up. does it really happen frequently?
If you can look the cable's lable, and it's a 16 AWG, should do with almost all latest peripheral connectors rated 35-40 watt each, if it's 18 AWG the resistance of cable will probably drops too much amperage so the connector won't pass minimum 75 watt combine.
If the GTX 1050 doesn't get enough power then most of the case it doesn't reach its peak performance if assumed use more than 150 watt (75 watt supplied by PCIE slot + 75 watt supplied by 6 pin PEG connector).
To prevent freeze or artifact issues you can use EVGA Precision XOC or MSI afterburner and limit the power target down to 99%, run benchmark to see artifact or freeze, if it does, lower by -1% untill it free from issues.
At 768p your GTX 1080Ti will run fine on high image quality setting, perhaps reaching minimum 60 fps on heavy game such as GTA V, Halo CE. What you can do first is max out your cooling = drop case ambient temp by use faster case fan + tidying clattered cables + OC your CPU a little bit.

thanks for the info. i looked at the cable and it says 18AWG so i guess i woudn't be able to run my 1050 ti?

and does it lead to much more heat when overclocking my cpu so why recommend it?

i have another option. to refuse the delivery and go for the asus expedition model of gtx 1050 ti, this model doesn't require 6 pins. is it better? but the gigabyte model which is the delivery for today offers higher base clock
That additional power connector was suppose to add more wattage to GTX 1050Ti = let the core use more than 75 watt = faster clock speed = require better cooling solution. The different between 6 pin and not equipped with 6 pin most likely won't be noticeable, only by testing on actual game you'll find which one is faster, not saying Asus sample is faster than gigabyte, fact is game can only be as fast as the hardware (or software) it detect, maybe some tweak with afterburner or precision XOC would help gaining couple FPS.
After all you're playing with kinda small resolution, the GTX 1050Ti was plotted to par with <1280X768 @60Hz monitors, for most casual gamer, any >40 FPS is "playable"
I think you'll probably be okay with the adapter for the 6 pin. The card doesn't use all that much power, so I think it's a moot point. I myself would have gone with the model that doesn't require the 6 pin because the slightly lower clock speed won't matter in any real sense. Your CPU is going to limit performance more than the videocard clock speed difference between two models of the same GPU. At that low a resolution no 1050 Ti should have any trouble running games.