Can I run this?


Feb 8, 2017
Build: but the processor is a fx 6300. Will I be able to use a RX 470 with my power supply unit?
In the link- a prebuilt PC with a lot of low priced parts. I would assume the PSU is just as low priced, and unable/unsafe to run RX470. Post PSU model here for evaluation, or just buy a new proper 400W+ one, and retire the old one for emergency use.

I got my build for christmas

the psu is a TR2 430w
but if you do go ahead an buy the gtx 1050 ti make sure your psu has the nessary pins/wires to hook up to it
if not your gonna have to buy a new psu either way to hook up to any modern video card but good luck
thanks man

Fallout 4, Rainbow Six.


This PSU is good enough quality and power for GTX1050Ti and probably even base GTX1060.