Can I run Those Games ?

Lucifer himself

Jul 23, 2016
Games :
Dying Light
assassins`s Creed Unity

i was looking to buy a new rig but not sure if i could run those games and not sure about game debate also. i checked alot of websites, yotube,benchmarks but i couldnt find anything

and how many FPS will i get almost if i run them on medium ?
Min-Max Fps ??
Rig Spec. :
Intel Xeon W3550
GPU : GeForce GTX 950 Zotac OC 2GB Edition
Ram: 8 GB

is there is a chance to run those games on at least 50 fps on medium ? 😀
Reduce graphics settings and you'd get 50fps maybe. Likely not on "medium". AC Unity is very poorly coded, and Dying Light isn't much better

game debate says my cpu wont run dying light !
is game debate accurate ?

one more thing
is there is a chance to run those games on at least 50 fps ? 😀