Can I run two 650 watt speaker and two 350 watt speaker from a 1000 watt amplifier

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You may want to provide a bit more details, what kind of speakers, for what use? And you don't have the speakers or you do? There are a ton of amplifiers you can pick from, depends on your budget and usage.

So you want a car amp, you read the specs wrong on those speakers, you need to look at the standard wattage not the peak. You have 90 watt and 60 watt speakers. You may want to talk to a place that does audio equipment to help you, from the sound of things you may have a hard time installing things on your own if you got the wattage of the speakers wrong.

This amp should be OK Or really any good brand 4 channel amp.

This one is lager but has more flexible inputs for speakers, less power though
Pl check the specifications of Pioneer GM-D8604 amplifier and tell me wheather it suits the speakers . As i have seen the 350 watt speakers having rms of 60watt will be supplied with 100watt rms by the amplifier will it cause a problem. Please reply fast .

Check with a local audio installer, as long as you don't turn up the volume to full you can easily use a lager amp power than speaker nominal rating.

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