can i run watchdogs on my pc

doubt there is even a setting to run it that low but you can try but most likely it will be pretty much unplayable.


While I've been surprised in the past at things people have managed to get to run, I think this one's a bridge too far. A very old non-gaming GPU on a game that lists a 460 as minimum is going to be a slideshow. And not a very quick slideshow.


Oh hell no it won't. Your system is WAY WAY old (GT210?!?!) and the CPU was for normal 'computer apps' not gaming. It is high time to update, though it isn't too costly, your looking at around $1000 if you want to play WD for a system 'beefy enough' to mainstream (not high end) playing. If that is way outside your budget, go CONSOLE. WD is on console too and there is no need to worry about updates and all that.