[SOLVED] can i set multiple name to be pasted quicky like copy paste


Jun 24, 2012
hi i d like to like press alt q and it paste a name i presaved then alt (or whatever key i have to push) alt w and it paste the pre saved word?
is clip board the only possibility? how to? tx it is for names or adresse i have to type often ..
Hi, there's a few ways to do this that I can think of. First off would be a simple app that allows you to do this. I think there use to be one called KeyText but I haven't used it in many years. There are likely better free ones available.

Another option with more control is scripting. If you want to try it, download and install AutoHotKey. Create yourself a script in Notepad and save it as a .AHK file. Double click the .AHK file to run it. You will see it running in the tray (near the clock). You can right click on it there to close it out at anytime. Once running, the hotkeys in your script will be active.

Example script for you:
; Lines that begin with ; are comments and are ignored.
; Forum...


Hi, there's a few ways to do this that I can think of. First off would be a simple app that allows you to do this. I think there use to be one called KeyText but I haven't used it in many years. There are likely better free ones available.

Another option with more control is scripting. If you want to try it, download and install AutoHotKey. Create yourself a script in Notepad and save it as a .AHK file. Double click the .AHK file to run it. You will see it running in the tray (near the clock). You can right click on it there to close it out at anytime. Once running, the hotkeys in your script will be active.

Example script for you:
; Lines that begin with ; are comments and are ignored.
; Forum: https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/can-i-set-multiple-name-to-be-pasted-quicky-like-copy-paste.3706941/

; Alt+Q
!Q:: Send George McNoname

; Alt+W
Send Address line 1{enter}Address line 2{enter}Address line 3

The exclamation mark ! stands for the Alt key. You can get more info about different keys here: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Hotkeys.htm
So if you wanted to use Atl+Ctrl+G, the code for that key would be !^G::

The {enter} code types in the enter key. More key codes to be used with the Send command can be found here:
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