I need to log onto a web site at 12.00 noon when a limited number of tickets go on sale. Is there any way I can set up my computer (similarly to autodialling on a phone) to log on as everyone will be trying to log on at the same time?
I would assume that if you had your browser store your passwords, you could set a scheduled task to open your browser with that site as one of your homepages, and it would automatically log in.
I don't understand why this would be any more feasible than logging in at noon, but I do think it is possible.
Like huron said, you can probably do it, but you might as well just do it yourself. Without you there, how are the tickets going to be purchased?
Now that I think about it, I might have to do this with my favorite Pr0n site! It will be like having a warm bath drawn and waiting for me after a hard days work!