Can I shortly run a CPU with no thermal compound?


Sep 17, 2016
I want to make sure my PC boots and gets a signal would having no thermal paste for that short time risk damaging it?
If your CPU comes with a heatsink, the paste is usually pre-applied on the heatsink. Several aftermarket heatsinks come with a tiny tube of their manufacturer or a partner's secret goo too. There is absolutely no reason to run a CPU without thermal paste, that's just asking for unnecessary trouble.

Keep in mind that running a CPU at 100+C for any length of time may significantly shorten its lifespan. Thermal throttling and shutdown are only there to (hopefully) protect the chip from imminent failure long enough for someone to notice that something is not right. It isn't something you should intentionally do.
A processor will shut off if it gets too hot, so you may not do any damage.
But, it will get hot so quickly that the test will be useless.
Moreover, many motherboards will not start if it does not detect a cpu fan.

Most any cooler you buy will come with thermal paste.
If you happen to have a cooler, but no paste, I suppose you could use it.
I have read about some using smooth peanut butter or toothpaste which works temporarily.
------------------->Bottom line, wait.
Under no circumstance would I recommend attempting to power up a system without a CPU cooler installed. Under no circumstance would I recommend installing a CPU cooler without a proper thermal conductor. Your impatience may cost you hundreds of dollars. The rest, I leave up to you.

-Wolf sends
If your CPU comes with a heatsink, the paste is usually pre-applied on the heatsink. Several aftermarket heatsinks come with a tiny tube of their manufacturer or a partner's secret goo too. There is absolutely no reason to run a CPU without thermal paste, that's just asking for unnecessary trouble.

Keep in mind that running a CPU at 100+C for any length of time may significantly shorten its lifespan. Thermal throttling and shutdown are only there to (hopefully) protect the chip from imminent failure long enough for someone to notice that something is not right. It isn't something you should intentionally do.
I was having problems getting my PC to start so I took out my CPU(I5-6600) to see if pins were bent or something else. I did not have any thermal paste to reapply But I went out and bought some today and I reinstalled it and got it to work.