Can I simulate slower computer hardware with better hardware?


Apr 17, 2015
I'm wondering if it is possible to take a intel 5950x and simulate some intel atom with it by disabling cores, bringing down the clock speed, limiting the caches, etc. I am also wondering if the same thing could be done with a GPU.

If it is possible, could you explain to me how this would be done?

In theory yes, but it would be next to impossible to get it right.
Its easier with, for example, an 8320 simulating a 6300. Lose 2 cores and drop the speeds and its *fairly close.
Outside of the same architecture, it becomes exponentially harder.

Overall, why are you interested in doing so?
In theory yes, but it would be next to impossible to get it right.
Its easier with, for example, an 8320 simulating a 6300. Lose 2 cores and drop the speeds and its *fairly close.
Outside of the same architecture, it becomes exponentially harder.

Overall, why are you interested in doing so?
In theory yes, but it would be next to impossible to get it right.
Its easier with, for example, an 8320 simulating a 6300. Lose 2 cores and drop the speeds and its *fairly close.
Outside of the same architecture, it becomes exponentially harder.

Overall, why are you interested in doing so?

I'm trying to find the minimum specs of a game that has no official ones
I'm also attempting to learn unity and I want to be able to make games with graphics options that will let potatoes get decent fps.

Thanks for the Ninja fast reply!
The problem is, its not an exact match. So whatever result you come to/near wouldnt be necessarily correct. The Atom runs on a much different architecture compared to the i7, so even if you could match the specs of the Atom, it wouldnt be the same performance.

It would really come down to disabling cores and lowering clock speeds, and thats about the best you could get, comparing benchmark performance.

As for the games, you would probably be best off making the game to the best of your ability and getting volunteers to help you test on potatoes.
1) CPU:
This is doable for the intended purpose. It doesn't have to be too accurate, just close enough. If for example, you want to compare to a G3258 Pentium then:
a) BIOS-> disable all but two cores
b) BIOS-> disable hyperthreading
c) BIOS-> cap frequency

2) GPU:
This isn't really possible, but you can ESTIMATE quite nicely by using benchmarks for relative performance:

*These charts compare using a good CPU, so using a lower CPU like a dual-core ATOM will not give you the same relatively performance. You should consider having a low-end card (or iGPU) and swap between it and a high-end GPU. Since you can change the core count for CPU in BIOS, and switch between a high and low-end GPU you can build up some pretty valuable insite into scalability.

Really, you just want to set your worst-case scenario (like dual-core + Intel iGPU) and ensure that works at min FPS and resolution.

While you can't compare exactly, you can use the information I provided to get a close-enough estimate for your usage.

You really should have TWO systems, an Intel and an AMD if you plan to create games at all. You can get by with an FX-6300. It's not just raw performance either as DRIVERS factor into things. The lower the diversity of hardware you test on, the more likely you are to have problems you aren't aware of until after launch (then have a hard time fixing with no systems to test on).