Can i slowly rebuild my pc? If so, what parts should i get first?

Sean Leblanc

May 3, 2013
I am currently using an old pos. pc, and i want to build a new one . Can i just buy pieces (motherboard, cpu, ram, etc..) and put them into this old one whilst still using it?

Nforce 6m-a v2.0 board
4gb ram (1gb x4)
nividea geoforce 9400 card
bestec 300 power sup
and amd 64x2 dual core

Agree with this.
I just complete step 5 myself.

Get a new case and then a new power supply as you can afford it. Then a new monitor and new mouse and keyboard and maybe some better speakers.

Fill up the case with some nice case fans if all slots aren't occupied, I'd get these the same time as the power supply. Next I'd get a new Sata HDD and a sata optical drive if you don't have either already or if your hdd is smaller than 500gb.

For power supplies I recommend a Seasonic or Corsair built unit.

Lastly purchase your Motherboard, memory, CPU, after market cpu heat sink (optional), and video card (sometimes optional) all at the same time. Why? Because for one they usually have 30 day warranties from the people you order them from. Then after that you deal with the manufacturer. And your ram is probably not compatible and depending on what motherboard you get same story with the cpu.

So it goes like this, least it did for me
$350- new speakers and monitor and headphones
$140- new PSU
$100- case
$140- new OS
$45- case fans

Then it got really expensive

$925- Cpu, cpu heat sink, motherboard, Ram and Graphics card

Hope this helps.

What are you using/will you be using the system for? We get some odd people here, some of then don't play games!
I would not try to salvage anything from the current build: you'll save peanuts and be left with a system that is useless-As it stands it will sell as a basic box and you'd be surprised how many people want a simple, basic box.
Do you need a new display?
Once you have the specs of the system finalised:
1; Memory and HDD memory is still cheap but word is it's going to get more expensive later on in the year.
2; OS, Win 7 64 bit is still available OEM but supplies are likely to dry up.
3; Case and powersupply.
4; CPU and motherboard.
5; Graphics card-This is last because Nvidia should be releasing their next generation of cards fairly soon and it would be wise to wait and see what effect this has on pricing.
i understand that i should get new everything... but the question is, can i slowly rebuild it and eventually have completely new pc?
and yes i game.. or try to . i am trying to see if i can add parts .. like get new motherboard, but continue to use graphics card, processor, etc,, until i get enough to continue upgrading?