Can I successfully overclock?


Feb 22, 2015

My current specs are;

i7 4770k
8GB RAM (1333mhz)
z87 - g43 (BIOS v1.6)
gtx 980 4gb
Coolermaster 550W PSU.

Please advise me if i will be able to achieve an overclock on this system without any problems?

Thank you.

Overclock what exactly? The GPU or the CPU? Or even the RAM? If you're talking about the GPU yes, specially if it's one of the aftermarket ones, like the MSI, ASUS, Gigabyte, etc.... The CPU is also easily overclockable, though I'd recommend getting an aftermarket cooler and some thermal paste beforehand.
My bad, apologies sir for the broad specs.

I have an evo 212 cooler with arctic thermal paste only recently applied. I wish to overclock my CPU.

Im fairly knew to overclocking and only want to achieve around 4.2 - 4.4 max.

What would you recommend to do to successfully overclock?

(Is 4.4ghz and 1.250 volts CPU core voltage good for stability?)

Those settings should work just fine. As mentioned above, if you find it stable, try and reduce the voltage.
With me being slightly inexperienced, would you suggest using the MSI intel extreme tuning utility to bump the clock speed up or would a better result be in the bios only altering the speed and the cpu core voltage?

Thanks for the replies guys.
So am I right in thinking, at 1.25 volts @ 4.4ghz will provide a stable overclock, if it remains stable shall i take it to 4.6ghz as a limit with 1.25volts?

I do apologies, they may be noobish or silly questions but i want to get it right :).

Currently I have it at 4.2ghz with the CPU core voltage at 1.250 volts (In the BIOS).
If you are overclocking then always remember that it a risk taken. If you are overclocking your processor or GPU then there is a risk that something may go wrong. If something goes wrong then your computer may crash up badly.

Otherwise if overclocking goes successful then you processor or GPU will generate more heat and will consume more electricity. If you are using laptop then i would highly recommend not to overclock as battery drainage and more heat production.