Can I swap a Core i5-7600K for a Core i7-8700K ?

Aug 28, 2018
Can I swap a Core i5-7600K for a Core i7-8700K ?
Is it the same socket ?
Someone told me that the socket was the same is this the case ? If not what top of the line i7 can I swap it out with ?
My Mother Board is an Aorus GA-Z270x-GAMING K5 Rev. 1001.
I use my PC for gaming mostly but lately it's been getting a hammering as a workstation and find it struggles a bit.

So is it worth while upgrading to the 7700k ?

Depends on what you want to do.

For longevity yes it would be depending.

Probably. Especially if you're lacking workstation performance. That's where the extra threads will really help.

No. I5 7600k is good for gaming.
You not get any extreme performance boost after upgrading i7 7700k.

Better to buy 8th gen or AMD Ryzen....

That is indeed wrong. Until a few months ago the 7700K was hands down the best gaming CPU in existence. It's not obsolete overnight. It's certainly better than the 7600K.