Can I swap a Core i5-7600K for a Core i7-8700K ?
Is it the same socket ?
Someone told me that the socket was the same is this the case ? If not what top of the line i7 can I swap it out with ?
My Mother Board is an Aorus GA-Z270x-GAMING K5 Rev. 1001.
I use my PC for gaming mostly but lately it's been getting a hammering as a workstation and find it struggles a bit.
Is it the same socket ?
Someone told me that the socket was the same is this the case ? If not what top of the line i7 can I swap it out with ?
My Mother Board is an Aorus GA-Z270x-GAMING K5 Rev. 1001.
I use my PC for gaming mostly but lately it's been getting a hammering as a workstation and find it struggles a bit.