Can I switch off my PSU power whenever I turn off the PC?


Dec 19, 2017
Note: I have read another similar thread as this. But the situation was different.

Hi peeps,

I recently got myself a gaming desktop I built myself, and I noticed my mobo lights up in a bright red light which flashes, and fades in and out, whether the PC is on or off.
The issue is, I believe leaving the PC unattended with the PSU on and providing energy to the components and leaving the mobo lights flashing isn't very healthy and possibly dangerous.
I would like to confirm whether this is true or not, whether it's okay to switch off the PSU after the PC is off, or if I should leave the PSU power on.
I have been switching the PSU off every day after using the computer for about half a year now.

Thanks guys.
I have been switching off PSU everyday for 10 years, and it still works (along with the rest of components). And it was not even high quality unit.