Can I test if my PC boots without RAM?


Apr 1, 2016
Hello everyone!

I have recently finished building my first PC and I am eager to see if it works; however, My RAM did not come on time and I still have to wait another week for it to arrive. I have set up every single other component already and hooked everything up to the power supply.

So my question is, is there any way I can test if my PC works without the RAM? I wanna be able to just plug in the RAM as soon as it arrives and be ready to go. I do not wanna get to that day and realize I have messed up some connectors and having to undo and build everything again.

I am imagining the computer won't actually boot but it should turn on at least right? How will I be able to tell if everything is in order when i start it?

Thank you very much, I hope I explained my issue properly.
You can turn it on, but only thing you'll get is error beep code that tells about problem with missing ram.
If your motherboard has some diagnostic leds or port 80 indicator, you may get some additional info.
But monitor will not show anything.
Only that is going to happen is that (if everything else is ok) the fans will spin, some leds would turn on and some beeps would be heard (error codes wince you won't have any ram inside the system). You won't damage the system but you won't see anything of substance. If you can't reach posting no meaning.