[SOLVED] Can I transfer files to an External HDD BEFORE I schuck it & install it elsewhere?

Tony De

Aug 8, 2015
Can I transfer files to an External HDD BEFORE I schuck it & install it elsewhere?

Hi gang, I have a new 12TB WD Easystore external. I want to place it in my server but before I do, I wanted to transfer everything to it and keep the old drives as back up. So if I transfer it while still in its native enclosure, can I then schuck it and move it or will it not see the files now and/or be corrupted? Not looking to do extra work or chance mucking up the new HDD so please let me know as I clearly am no expert.

Thanks very much for any and all help and info. Cheers -TD


Why don't you just use the enclosure as is instead of tearing the enclosure to repurpose the HDD? In essence, you should be able to connect the HDD in the enclosure to your desktop so long as you have a SATA data and power power port free on your desktop.

Move files while in enclosure to avoid loosing data.

Tony De

Aug 8, 2015
Because my Server has room for it to be all inside so why have an extra unit powered outside of it? I cant believe no one will answer ghis question. It must be a simple answer. Is it possible or not?