Can I turn CPU features On?


Mar 15, 2015
I'm getting a Dell Optiplex 755 MT on 6/18/15. I looked on Dell .com and it said that it's features were turned off. Here it is:
It shows that on page 39.
So I looked on Intel Ark and it says that is has those features.
Can I turn those features on? If I do will the PC be faster? I am going to use this for gaming. I have a EVGA GT 610 for it, which is going to be overclocked.
Then you should be fine. I have a P4 2.93 in an LGA775 board, I know what you mean, just looking at it funny bogs it down,that's why it's just a side table now.

Garry's Mod, Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Not really demanding games.

At least it's better then my Socket 478 Pentium 4 HT 3.00GHz, which it can barely even run.