Can I Upgrade a 65 watt cpu to a 105 watt one?


Apr 18, 2015
Hi, I have a MTQ45MK motherboard in a lenovo m58 pc. It has a intel core 2 duo e4600 in it and i would like to upgrade to a core 2 quad q6600. Im not sure if it will like blow up my mobo or something because of the higher wattagw so i would like assistance. also any lga775 quad core prosessor thats better then the e4600 will work if any one can find one. I also looked into Xeons. My price range is anywhere between $0-$35 and i found plenty of used quad cores on amazon that are 95 or 105 watts. Help would be greatly appriciated.

-Best regards, Goofygiggles


looks like a user here in this thread from a few months ago has your lenovo mobo and a c2q q6600. he has a bios revision listed there too. it looks very possible it is supported. but without knowing the vrm and mosfet design the q6600 might be near the limits of the board.
here is another user claming the same lenovo board with the q9400.

i would say update your bios right now to the highest revision and go with the q9400. but i wouldn't attempt to overclock if you want your board to last.

Hey thanks! The fsb on my current cpu is 800 megahertz and im wandering because of the q9400 lesser wattage would work..the only problem is it has a 1333fsb. Will this be ok? Also lenovo says "Supports Intel Core™ 2 Quad™ processor with 4MB or 6MB L2 Cache" and the q9400 has 8. Just wandering about compattibility.

(P.S. the q9400 is 95watts and 6mb cache but is a 1333mgtz fsb so tell me if you think i should go q6600 or q9400.)


looks like a user here in this thread from a few months ago has your lenovo mobo and a c2q q6600. he has a bios revision listed there too. it looks very possible it is supported. but without knowing the vrm and mosfet design the q6600 might be near the limits of the board.
here is another user claming the same lenovo board with the q9400.

i would say update your bios right now to the highest revision and go with the q9400. but i wouldn't attempt to overclock if you want your board to last.

Yeah, my mobo doesnt overclock anyway. i will go with the 9400 and i think it would be fine. How do I update my bios? :I

Hey Thanks So Much I Got the 9400 and It has worked for around 2 Months now! So much Better! Really Appriciate the help!

soz for digging, but did the 8mb cache work because it says max 6mb?

i have the same problem atm, hoping to upgrade

Actually I got the q9400 so I dont know. It worked well for everything I wanted, but for other reasons I finally built a new computer 😛

Sorry I didnt' get back to you sooner.. The Quad core Q9400 has worked fine and stable for almost 2 years now so.