Pc-hp pavilion p6-2170In
Motherboard-foxconn motherboard 2abf . More info-http://www.findlaptopdriver.com/specs-foxconn-2abf-motherboard-7252011h48/
Processor-intel core i3 2120
Is 300 watt is enough for 4gb ram , core i3 2120 and Gigabyte GeForce GV-N710D3 on foxconn motherboard 2abf . I am upgrading my ram from 2 gb to 4gb and adding a graphics card on my hp pavillion p6-2170 is 300 watt is enough .
Will my motherboard support Gigabyte GeForce GV-N710D3
Please tell me
Motherboard-foxconn motherboard 2abf . More info-http://www.findlaptopdriver.com/specs-foxconn-2abf-motherboard-7252011h48/
Processor-intel core i3 2120
Is 300 watt is enough for 4gb ram , core i3 2120 and Gigabyte GeForce GV-N710D3 on foxconn motherboard 2abf . I am upgrading my ram from 2 gb to 4gb and adding a graphics card on my hp pavillion p6-2170 is 300 watt is enough .
Will my motherboard support Gigabyte GeForce GV-N710D3
Please tell me