Question Can I Use 2 GPU's A 7900xtx for gaming and a 3090 at the same time?


Jan 1, 2013
Recently I upgraded my PC to be fully AMD and I got a 7900xtx for gaming. But for video and other applications the 3090 has a massive performance lead. My question is, would I be able to plug both in, and install AMD drivers, software. But use the Nvidia in applications? Thanks.
Recently I upgraded my PC to be fully AMD and I got a 7900xtx for gaming. But for video and other applications the 3090 has a massive performance lead. My question is, would I be able to plug both in, and install AMD drivers, software. But use the Nvidia in applications? Thanks.
In all technicalities yes this is do able. However recommended no, doing so can cause massive conflicts with the Nvidia and Radeon drivers and the system won't be able to fully distinguish what gpu to use when


Jan 1, 2013
In all technicalities yes this is do able. However recommended no, doing so can cause massive conflicts with the Nvidia and Radeon drivers and the system won't be able to fully distinguish what gpu to use when
But would I not be able to use the AMD drivers as that what ctually running on the system, and then use the 3090 without drivers, in application specific tasks?


Win7, DirectX 11 and prior were setup for SLI compatibility, so getting amd and nvidia to play nice was next to impossible without some registry work and changes and keeping the 2 cards and their drivers as seperate as possible, and even then it went from impossible to iffy since nvidia and amd hate each other with a passion and each feels like they should have priority.

Win10 and it's native DirectX 12 changed that, dropping SLI support and adopting MGPU (multi - gpu) as the base. This effectively removed all restrictions to recognition of card, type, model, size etc that SLI needed.

So as said, yes, it's very possible, but as also said, it's not plug and play, you'll still need to dive into the settings and sort out what goes where, which app uses what card etc.
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Recently I upgraded my PC to be fully AMD and I got a 7900xtx for gaming. But for video and other applications the 3090 has a massive performance lead. My question is, would I be able to plug both in, and install AMD drivers, software. But use the Nvidia in applications? Thanks.
First would be what motherboard, processor, what M.2 SSD and plugged into what socket as that can take up PCI=E lanes most of todays boards the 2nd slot is just a X4 speed.
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