Can I use a better GPU?


Jun 9, 2017
Hey guys, Im currently using an old PC that I had been given. I recently installed a Nvidia Geforce 730 graphics card. But I was wondering if its possible to upgrade beyond that. Ex: Gtx 1050 ti

The pc specs are:

Processer: AMD A8-3850 APU (2.9ghz) with Radeon HD Graphics - 4 cores
Ram - 8gb
PSU - 300w (gonna swap out soon)
GPU - Nvidia GeForce GT 730 (2gb)

not too sure about what all that means. Its default. Ive seen some cheap psu at my local best buy for 35 i believe. 500w


Never, ever, EVER buy a cheap PSU. Can fry your whole rig, burn your house down or worse (yeah in like kill you worse). Stick to tier 1 or tier 2 PSU only.

But yeah your PC could go with a GTX 1050Ti or RX 560 CPU wise. Since your replacing your PSU regardless 500W is more then enough. Anything north of 430W will be plenty for your rig.
If you open your case and look at the nameplate on the side of the PSU, it should list the various voltage "rails" on it. Look for the +12V one.

Some cheap 500W PSUs are no better than a 300W. The total wattage rating means very little; especially on cheap PSUs.

are there any personal psu that you would recommend? Im a simple minded man whos trying to get into the pc gaming community XD

Very true and one of many many reasons why I stick to tier 1 and 2.
Anything by seasonic is solid. For a newb it is the best place to go brand wise. There are other brands that have some tier 1 supplies and some tier 5 (cough corsair, thermaltake, etc). Seasonic is dependably in the tier 1 and 2 range on nearly all of their PSUs.

alright thanks Ill do some more homework on this matter. what do you think about EVGA 430 W1, 80+ WHITE 430W as the psu? i see it alot in budget builds. Also since the cpu is capable of handling a gtx 1050 ti? is there anything beyond that that may be able to run with my cpu. Or should i stop at the gtx 1050 ti just to be safe?

Tier 3 fail sorry. check out this article on it

Not a fan of the Corsair CX series either though the CXM 450w is better then the older 430W model.

stick with the 1050Ti unless you plan on a new CPU very soon. Anything more will likely be a waste.