Can I use a Windows 10 USB as a bootable drive for Ubuntu?

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Oct 6, 2013
I bought the Windows 10 USB drive version for my new PC, my old one has the technical preview which has expired and I can't upgrade to 10 since my base windows 7 was Ultimate N, is it possible to use my windows 10 USB drive (full version) to install Ubuntu on an old pc? If so, will there be any risk, void warranty, just break it entirely? Thanks.

I'm just going to say it's a stupid idea.

I will venture to bet that there's a hardware write lock on that media, but you should never even try to find out.
You can upgrade from Ultimate N just fine. Just install and enjoy.

As for using the retail usb drive for ubuntu, why would you ever do that? Just buy a new USB drive, you only need ~8gb for a decent ubuntu install (full x64 on the flash drive itself, much less is needed for livedisk), and that won't cost you more than $5.

You didn't answer my question :) Will it work? Yes or no.
You purchased Windows 10 on a USB.
You wish to erase that USB drive, and use it to install Ubuntu. Wiping out the included Windows 10 install.

Can you do this? Probably.
But why would you?

If you do this, you will no longer have a Windows 10 install media to reinstall if needed.
A 15 cent DVD or $5 (or free) USB drive will suffice to install your Ubuntu.

Or, to get around paying the trivial amount for a new USB device...
Plug the Win 10 USB drive into your PC
Create an ISO file of that, and save it somewhere
Create your Ubuntu install on that same USB device
Do whatever.

When you're done, write that Win 10 ISO file back to the USB.

Or do the simple thing and just obtain another USB device.
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