Looking to buy a pair of these floorstanding speakers for a cheaper home theater setup, (https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00O8YLL8E/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&psc=1)
They are rated for 145watts max at 6 omhs, well i cannot for the life of me find a under 300$ reciver that runs 6 ohms, all of them seem to be 8.
I was looking at this one (https://www.amazon.ca/Yamaha-Natura...ild=1&keywords=receiver&qid=1619306439&sr=8-5)
and it said in the manual that plugging any speakers that are under 8 ohms may cause overheating!
What should i do?
Looking to buy a pair of these floorstanding speakers for a cheaper home theater setup, (https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00O8YLL8E/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&psc=1)
They are rated for 145watts max at 6 omhs, well i cannot for the life of me find a under 300$ reciver that runs 6 ohms, all of them seem to be 8.
I was looking at this one (https://www.amazon.ca/Yamaha-Natura...ild=1&keywords=receiver&qid=1619306439&sr=8-5)
and it said in the manual that plugging any speakers that are under 8 ohms may cause overheating!
What should i do?