Can i use an old case for a new pc?


Aug 22, 2013
my mom is getting rid of her computer because she got a new one. I am planning on building a gaming pc and was wondering if I could use her old case and monitor? the monitor is 20". I was planning on just taking everything out of the case and replacing it all with new stuff. it was made in I think 2007 so would most new parts fit?
If it's a standard ATX or mATX case you can use it without too much effort. If it's BTX (which Dell really seemed to like) you're going to need a new case if you want to use the motherboard. Some models though have non standard motherboards and PSUs which you can't use, at least not without some modification. You would get better advice if you can tell us exactly what computer you have there.
Can you either:
Tell us the make and model of the original system?
Or, post a few photos of the case?
Most cases are able to handle plenty of hardware configurations but some are 'slimline' or just plain odd and will not accept hardware not designed for that particular case so more info is going to be useful.
BTW, you may also be able to reuse the DVD drive, power supply (Specs please) and Hard Drive (again, specs please).
If it's a standard ATX or mATX case you can use it without too much effort. If it's BTX (which Dell really seemed to like) you're going to need a new case if you want to use the motherboard. Some models though have non standard motherboards and PSUs which you can't use, at least not without some modification. You would get better advice if you can tell us exactly what computer you have there.
Monitor won't be a problem. Case with proprietary motherboard connector will take a bit more effort to make work. There are cables that can be used to convert to a non proprietary connection. Might be better off getting a new case like an NZXT Source 210 black if your budget is low.