Can I use any Mhz RAM with my laptop???


Oct 4, 2013
Hey I have a old 2007 Gateway T-1413h laptop. I'm wondering if you can use any Mhz RAM with my laptop. I googled this and didnt get a for sure answer. I'm going to buy this 8GB kit from Corsair . If this kit isnt compatible, what is the highest speed (Mhz) my laptop can support for RAM? My current setup is x2 2GB running at 333.3 Mhz. The 8GB kit I'm going to buy is going to be running at 800 Mhz. Could someone that knows what they're talking about give me a real solid answer?

My laptop's specs:

CPUID CPU-Z Screenshots:
(sorry idk how to do spoilers)

The RAM specs for your laptop says this:

3072 MB DDR2 667 MHz memory (1 × 1024 MB and 1 × 2048 MB)
2 DDR slots (total) | 0 DDR slots (available)

In that order, the kit that you have in mind will not work. You laptop only comes with 2 RAM lines, one support 2GB module at 667MHz and the other one support 1GB module at same speed. That's the specs that you have to look for, the Corsair kit will not work.

I have already downloaded and ran that tool and I doubt that's the answer.


Yes my laptop only comes with 2 RAM lines, but that WAS the installed memory, stock. I dont believe that that is my limit for RAM. It is simply just the stock RAM that was installed in the laptop. Why would I have an AMD processor that is compatible with 64 bit Windows, and currently running 4GB of RAM, if apparently my laptop could only run 3GB of RAM? Doesnt make sence. My CPU specs:

Gotcha yeah it use to tell you all the mhz you can use, not it just gives you the max mhz you can use...

I went to what you told me to go to in the program and what am I supposed to look for exactly?

Okay thank you. I'm in AIDA64 right now and I'm in the motherboard tab. For 'Memory Bus Properties' it says Real Clock: 333 MHz (DDR) and Effective Clock: 667 MHz and Bandwidth: 10667 MB/s. Okay so I'm guessing my RAM is supposed to be running at 667MHz? Does that mean I can run my RAM with 800MHz without a problem from this 8GB kit?

Okay? Looks like its just details about the current RAM I have installed. How is this supposed to tell me the max MHz RAM I can run?


The last one says DDR2-800. Does this mean 800 MHz?


Got my $300 Corsair RAM a couple days ago for my laptop. Hopefully it works. There is no reason it shouldnt after this thread. Since I got all the compatibility info for my laptop.