S Slovinnator Reputable May 4, 2014 13 0 4,510 May 7, 2014 #1 I have one monitor and I am ordering another but i don't know if the radeon r9 290 supports different monitors. HELP!
I have one monitor and I am ordering another but i don't know if the radeon r9 290 supports different monitors. HELP!
T Traciatim Distinguished Nov 11, 2006 2,057 0 21,110 May 7, 2014 #2 You mean they are just different brands/models? Yeah, that will work fine, you just plug them both in and away they go. Upvote 0 Downvote
You mean they are just different brands/models? Yeah, that will work fine, you just plug them both in and away they go.