A AshleyD Reputable Dec 29, 2015 6 0 4,510 Dec 29, 2015 #1 Hey, i was wondering if i can use the EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti SC in the Acer Aspire X3470?
Solution ak47jar3d Dec 29, 2015 No, the power supply found in Acer Aspire X3470 is only 220w can't deliver the required 300w.
emeck Reputable Jun 20, 2015 315 0 4,860 Dec 29, 2015 #2 As long as you have a free PCI-E expansion slot or two and if the PSU is enough wattage Upvote 0 Downvote
ak47jar3d Champion Mar 3, 2014 7,113 62 54,590 Dec 29, 2015 Solution #3 No, the power supply found in Acer Aspire X3470 is only 220w can't deliver the required 300w. Upvote 1 Downvote Solution
A AshleyD Reputable Dec 29, 2015 6 0 4,510 Dec 29, 2015 #4 ak47jar3d : No, the power supply found in Acer Aspire X3470 is only 220w can't deliver the required 300w. Is there a cheap but reliable power supply i can get that will run it? Upvote 0 Downvote
ak47jar3d : No, the power supply found in Acer Aspire X3470 is only 220w can't deliver the required 300w. Is there a cheap but reliable power supply i can get that will run it?