Can i use it?


Sep 3, 2018
Hi Guys,

Can i buy the zotac gtx 1070 mini and use it without OC?
I heard this 1 cannot OC because of not enough cooling system.I just want to use it for a good 3-4 year without upgrading and also dont mind on OC.

I pair it with my 2600x ryzen 5.

ps:IDK how to use overclock but i play game.
Not for a gpu. OC by bios is for cpu. OC for gpu is with software like MSI Afterburner or Evga Precision X etc. Most OC on a more powerful gpu shows very little difference in games.

Read a lot about any OC on either cpu or gpu before even trying.

if want to oc, Need to active inside bios? if i not active it, should be no problem right?
Not for a gpu. OC by bios is for cpu. OC for gpu is with software like MSI Afterburner or Evga Precision X etc. Most OC on a more powerful gpu shows very little difference in games.

Read a lot about any OC on either cpu or gpu before even trying.

Ok thank u very much sir.