can i use liquid cooler with asus maximus vii hero??


Oct 21, 2013
can anyone use liquid cooler with asus maximus vii hero??if they can then why people always say that vii formula is for liquid cooling??i mean what's wrong with vii hero??will it be a problem if liquid cooler is used with vii hero??
The Formula is for custom loops where liquid goes through a block that cools the mosfets on the motherboard itself, you can add any AIO (closed loop) cooler to any motherboard as long as the cooler supports the CPU socket and your case has space for it.
The Formula is for custom loops where liquid goes through a block that cools the mosfets on the motherboard itself, you can add any AIO (closed loop) cooler to any motherboard as long as the cooler supports the CPU socket and your case has space for it.