Can I use my same SSD from a 7th gen motherboard and cpu to an 8th gen one??

Nov 9, 2017
I´m upgrading my computer from a 7th generation motherboard and cpu to an 8th generation motherboard and cpu, however my question is the following, I have everything installed in a 2tb SSD (Windows 10, games, etc.) and I´d like to know if I can just plug my SSD to the new motherboard and cpu and everything will remain the same ( I won´t have to install windows again, etc.)
It often works but it can cause trouble, and windows will likely de-activate. A clean install is a lot safer and less likely to cause trouble.
No harm in trying it though and see what happens.

Only retail windows is supposed to be transferred onto new hardware, if you have OEM it's supposed to stay with the old motherboard.

What OS is this?
If Win 10: Read and do this before you change any parts:

That's just for the OS license.

As for if it will actually just boot up? That is a 100% maybe.
There are 3 possible outcomes:
1. It boots up just fine.
2. It fails completely
3. It boots up, but you find lingering issues later.

Prepare for a clean install.