R Rylic234 Reputable Mar 11, 2014 46 0 4,530 Mar 16, 2014 #1 I bought a new 40 inch t.v, i was wondering if i could use my small older one. http://imgur.com/HfzfXv6 -Pic of it when plugging in a hdmi it says 1080p
I bought a new 40 inch t.v, i was wondering if i could use my small older one. http://imgur.com/HfzfXv6 -Pic of it when plugging in a hdmi it says 1080p
Gam3r01 Titan Jan 12, 2013 25,414 976 115,440 Mar 16, 2014 #2 Should work no problem Upvote 0 Downvote