Can i use PCIe x16 riser slot to mini pci e laptop slot via usb cable will it work for external graphic card?

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Jul 12, 2015
Will pcie x16 riser slot to mini pcie laptop slot works for external gpu instead for riser x1 slot?
Pcie x16 to x1 slot connects the desktop motherboards i m aware of it but if i use pcie x16 slot to connect with mpcie laptop slot via usb cable?and the gpu output will be taken on different display device will ot work for laptop.?
Only thing i need to do this whole will be required 1.. pcie x16 to pci x1 riser slot available on many online stores.
2... mini pcie (laptop) to usb converter.
all these things cost only 10 to 15$
my question is will this thig wokr with laptop?
No a graphics card can not run on a x1 slot they use x16 for a reasons even at idel clocks it would saturate a x1 slot

There's also the fact a laptop slot would not provide any were near the 75w of power a desktop pcie slot provides

x 1 slot in not useful in our scenario we will use only x16 riser slot, a usb cable, a power supply and mini pci e to usb slot which will be attached with laptop and the power will be given to the GC with power supply and interfacing will be provided with the usb cable and mini pci e to usb cable.

now open these two links and think brothers if we use the x16 riser slot with usb cable to attach mini pci e instead of using x1 slot.
x 1 slot will be garbage for us its included in package so we have to accept that x1 slot.
we will use only
x16 riser slot
1 usb cable
1 power supply
1 Mini PCIe TO USB
i m waiting for ur suggestions ?
thanx nabeel ahmad
<EMAIL removed by Moderator, for your protection>
further more plz check these asap and email me here or at my email id i m waiting thanx

I don't think you understand, even if you use a x16 riser you would be limited to x1 speeds.

Look at this:

max pcie 2.0 x1 speeds


thanx for the promt reply bro
how can u say i will be limited to x 1 speed while i m using usb cable i m not using x 1 slot bro x 1 slot in our case is just waste.
u opened the links i uploaded?

Buy the stuff, it's cheap
See how it works
If it works well, write us a tutorial on it
If it doesn't, send the stuff back, and still write a tutorial on how it does NOT work.

already ordered i will update u guyz soon.

USB 2.0 doesnt really have enough bandwidth, however I am curious to see if you get this working.

i know brother usb 2.0 have less bandwidth but we can upgrade it to usb 3.0 mini pci slot if it works on usb 2.0.
actually at banggod i have seen that external vga slot it connects with hdmi to mini pci slot.

lol bro you will be limited to 2.0 x1 speeds look at the bandwith Maximum 5 Gbps

usb 3.0, or mini pci slot, or ExpressCard slot = pcie 2.0 x1 speeds max.

a proper 2.0 x16 = 8 GB/s = 64 Gbps

massive bottleneck
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