can i use this hardware to run GTA 5 at a steady rate?


Aug 9, 2017
Windows 10 Home 64bit
CPU = AMD A10-7870k Radeon R7, 12 Computer Cores 4C+8G 3,90 GHz
RAM = 16GB
Harddrive = 250 GB SSD
Graphics = NVidia GeForce 750 Ti (with latest GameReady driver)

Also, i can run DayZ on this pc, but sometimes people are telling me that they (even on a lower graphics card) get way more Fps than i should be able to get. Can somebody (if they play the game) provide me with better settings for DayZ also?

Any help would me greatly appreciated

Danny Willis
Hello DannyWillis, yes you can play GTA V on steady fps, not maxed out I'm afraid but still around 45 to 50 fps.. as for DayZ, which one are you playing the Standalone one I assume... or the original ArmA 2 one? If it's the standalone don't expect too much about tweaking settings in game, it's horrible opitimized since it's release and as for personal experience... I think it will never be finished nor optimized, even good specs can't get steady fps all the time in this game.. but if you want there's some tweaking that you could try in here -

Those are pretty much the most usefull tweaks I've used in past..

Hope that helps.
Hello DannyWillis, yes you can play GTA V on steady fps, not maxed out I'm afraid but still around 45 to 50 fps.. as for DayZ, which one are you playing the Standalone one I assume... or the original ArmA 2 one? If it's the standalone don't expect too much about tweaking settings in game, it's horrible opitimized since it's release and as for personal experience... I think it will never be finished nor optimized, even good specs can't get steady fps all the time in this game.. but if you want there's some tweaking that you could try in here -

Those are pretty much the most usefull tweaks I've used in past..

Hope that helps.
thanks for the answer on GTA, and yes i run the DayZ SA latest version (that will not be latest) and for ARMA i have ARMA 3
i mainly play it on King Of The Hill with all the DLC's
But i will take a look at the link you sent in the answer.

thanks a lot!!!!!

On my old build, I could run gta 5 76 fps all high with a a8-3870k and gtx 460 only thing that wasn't high was textures and shadows...