Can I Use VRAM Heatsinks with Stock Cooler ?


Then there isn't a problem in temps...

What? They are 100% heatsinks for vram.

To the OP: No idea if they will fit on the card with the stock cooler still attached, but they are the right heatsinks for vram chips, i have used them when liquid cooling graphics cards.

Oh... well...

i7-3770/Gigabyte Z77-DS3H/Sapphire R9 280 OC/Kingston 120gb V300 SSDnow/Seagate Barracuda 1TB 7200 RPM/Corsair Vengeance 8gb 1600mhz ddr3 RAM/ Cooler Master Thunder 600w
My GPU is overclocked to Core: 1100 Memory :1500 Power Limit +20% and my temperatures are about 72-75 C

Then there isn't a problem in temps. You have a low quality PSU, so that may be the problem.
