Can I used a FX Stock CPU cooler on FM2+ motherboard?


Nov 24, 2014
My friend's fan on his stock cooler for his MSI A78M-E35 FM2+ has recently been failing (CPU is AMD A10-7850K APU)

I have a spare stock cooler from my 8320 that I never used. Will I be able to replace the fan with mine or if we must replace his cooler all together with mine? Or will it not fit properly?

Might do that. Although he's nervous when it comes to installation and only wants to switch out the fan.

I'm told the APU heatsinks are better at dissipating heat b/c the APU's get hotted compared to an FX. So I'm told anyway. But thank you.

way less surface area , exposed fans that get jammed easier , and a poorer design for case air flow too
and that copper slug increases heat transfer by about 0.04% and then still has to transfer heat back to the alloy which happens at exactly the same rate as the AMD heatsick does so its not going to help much either

Are you arguing AMD chips run cooler than an intel?
Certainly looks like it ......or you must be wrong

clever mounting bracket you must have used too since they are not even compatible