Of course it will handle, both of those two cpus will not bottleneck the 670 gtx...
In my opinion if going with a locked cpu from intel, get the i5-3470, it proves to be the best value, it won't also bottleneck the card.
Of course it will handle, both of those two cpus will not bottleneck the 670 gtx...
In my opinion if going with a locked cpu from intel, get the i5-3470, it proves to be the best value, it won't also bottleneck the card.
Lol at I doubt it yes a 3570 or a 2500 can handle a gt670 I have a 2500k and a gtx670. And agreed with dj there on the recommendation if you get a z77 board you wise as well get the k sku card however if you don't plan on overclocking get a h77 board.
I would save a little unless you really want the sabertooth board and perhaps get something like a ASROCK EXTREME4. You really don't gain anything from the sabertooth board other than it has gone through a ton of stability tests to ensure the product is awesome. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157293
I agree with bigshootr here. If you look at motherboard benchmarks. They are all, umm... yea. Asrock z77 is a solid choice, then pick up the i5 K series.
I would save a little unless you really want the sabertooth board and perhaps get something like a ASROCK EXTREME4. You really don't gain anything from the sabertooth board other than it has gone through a ton of stability tests to ensure the product is awesome.
what different between asrock z77 and sabertooth z77?
I agree with bigshootr here. If you look at motherboard benchmarks. They are all, umm... yea. Asrock z77 is a solid choice, then pick up the i5 K series.
The extreme 4 has the ability for higher memory modules where as the Sabertooth will not work with them. The SLi/CF situation is the same. More SATA ports with the Extreme4. I would say next to little which is a common thing among motherboards today unless you get a more expensive board for example something like a UP5 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128559 which has dual thunderbolt ports or a ASUS ROG board I would say that you will find little difference in boards except a few more ports a few more little things here and there but pretty much all the same.
No I know. Microcenter normally has deals and intel has phased out that line of processors to push people into the ivy bridge stuff. Microcenter typically has super low prices on CPU's so maybe there was a deal or something.
Why get a older processor for the same price when he can get a intel 3570K that beats it
That's why I asked if he lived by microcenter... It's his decision, He could get a faster processor for the same price as what he origionally wanted...
He could get a slightly slower processor for really cheap $150.
how is it with SLI/CF does non K version suffice to not bottleneck them? tough i am sure even if not, that 3770 non k would have no problems dont you think?