Can London surpass Beijing in hosting this Olympic successfuly

London seems to be doing a top job in terms of security and goodwill towards the contestants. They all seem very happy about the conditions and the people.

The poms have always put on a good event and they do the little things others miss ... like taking care of the elderly, disabled and parents with little kids ... making sure they don't get pushed or shoved around in busy areas and that amenities are good.

The British media seem to be on their best behaviour too ... somebody must have put a rocket up them in the last week or so ... they don't seem quite so feral.

Very good coverage for events too.

Good commentators.

The Brits and Yanks are ecxellent commentators.
Well, lessee - London's mayor gets hung up on a high wire 😛, more empty seats than filled ones, losing over a billion dollars due to all the snafus.. Yep, amazing demonstration of Brit efficiency..

BTW, I used to live in London so I'm entitled to a little criticism 😀..