Question Can low RAM speed cause minor stuttering in games?


Dec 12, 2017
I have an i7-4790k@4.4GHz a GTX 1080 and 16gb of 1600MHz Cl9 RAM 4x4Gb. All i want to know is what could cause minor stutters in games it doesnt always occur mainly when i get to a new area or go out from city to wilderness and stuff like that. I was thinking that maybe a the ram speed could effect this. Can u confirm this or give an explanation? And if it really is the ram speed then going up for a 2133/2400 MHz set would solve this or it isnt worth it?
Thank you in advance!
Game is on a WD Black HDD and it occurs in almost every game when i start them up for example and in the witcher 3 it happens when i go out in larger spaces. and yes i have win 10.