Can lowering the power limit in afterburner for a a prolonged time period be negative for my card?


Oct 27, 2017
So, I built my first pc a few months back and mainly use it for gaming and streaming. However, i want to use it as a miner when i am at school or at night. If i lower the power limit, i get lower temps and obviously lower power consumption (I think) but can lowering the Power Limit damage the card if it has been lowered to around 90% for a period of around 12 hours at a time?

Also, is there a way to measure the temperature of the/my graphics cards VRM's as they are passively cooled and i am a little worried about how hot they might/are getting. My card is the EVGA NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1060SC 6GB

All help greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
Using the card for mining and asking it to draw less power is like two polar opposites. The taxation on the card has known to degrade them both physically and performance wise to the point where they are(in some regions) devoid of warranty when their usage scenario was disclosed.

+ Unless there is a physical temperature probe on or at the point of cooling contact point for the VRM's no there is no way to measure the temps of them. You could get away with a temp probe sandwiched between the VRM and cooler but that would not produce favorable results.

So if anything, I'd advise against using your system as a mining rig.

Thank you, but i was more asking what are the long term affects of lowering the power limit if it is going to be at 100% use? although, i greatly appreciate your answer and probably wont mine with it anymore! thank you again!

Have a good day
