Can Metro 2033 be Maxed Out with a Radeon HD 6870 at 1680x900.


Mar 11, 2011
System specs-

CPU- AMD Phenom X4 955@3.2
PSU- Cooler Master eXtreme 700.

I am planning to get the GPU for running Metro 2033 Maxed Out at 1680*900.
Can I do so?


May 29, 2010
You mean 1600x900?

I tried it on my system (i5 750@3.6, 4GB ram, HD5830)
Above resolution, very high settings(max), DX11, AAA, x4AF. I get about low 20s to upper 30s FPS usually hovering around 29/30.

Your card is slightly faster than mine so you might get higher frames/sec. I can't really tell the difference between high and very high anyways.
yes u I have repeat over and over again, if my 6950 can do it at 1920*1080, ur 6870 can do it

ur 6870 will only be 10% slower, but will be rendering only 70% amount of pixels my card has to, if my math was right

Do you seriously get good FPS at Very high in DX11 with a 6870? I couldn't with a 6950. I couldn't even do high comfortably.

What FPS do you consider playable?


Mar 11, 2011
Bystander@ Agreed.
greghome@ You got a HD 6950 for 1080p and you are NOT able to achieve playable FPS. Then how a HD 6870 will do at 1600x900? If you could get playable FPS at 1080p then it would have been a point.
Greghome has got a HD 6950 in which he plays the game ( Metro 2033 ) at 1920 X 1080 and he said he get's around 20-30 which is playable.
But since you've got a HD 6870, and since you're deciding to play the game at 1600 X 900, which has lower pixels than at 1080p, the game will run better and at higher frames. BUT if you're playing the game at the same resolution as greg does ( 1920 X 1080 ), then you'd get lower FPS than he does. ( same settings as well ).
Make sense ?


Mar 11, 2011
But...according to techspot benchmarks the HD 6870 achieves 29 FPS with Tesselation OFF and Antialising OFF...., hence will must kill more than 5 FPS. Hence 29-5=24.
So, it 'CANNOT' be considered playable.
Firstly, you can't just compare the frames there. You just take an average.
HD 6870 scores 29 FPS average
The game is still playable even at 20-25 FPS, even though it isn't much.
Also, in Metro, you CAN'T turn off Anti aliasing. It should either be at Triple AA or AAA or at 4XMSAA.
Well, what you consider playable is debatable, but for me, playable is average 40+ FPS, with dips no lower than 30. FPS in the 20's and 30's make me motion sick. It also makes the UI input very sluggish and especially hard to play in a reaction based game.

Trust me, I've got a 8400, and I've played games like Metro at 8-12 FPS :lol: and still beat the game.
For me, 25-30 is enough. Higher than that would be really nice as well a newer experience for me.

And yes, Crysis 2 is playable for me at 25-30 FPS.
I have to ask some of you, who play at really low FPS. Is the increased visual quality really worth the loss of FPS?

In Metro 2033 especially. The main difference between high and very high is that very high calculates a lot more in real time. However, the precalculated routines work and look very good on high. There isn't a big difference in quality.

With a 6950 unlocked and overclocked, I played at Medium with MSAAx4 on. This was what I considered the best compromise in quality and smoothness.