can motherboard limit graphics quality?


Sep 19, 2017
I am looking at some upgrades; a 1080 ti with an amd ryzen 5 1600 and an msi b350m gaming pro. The motherboard specs say its limit is 4k at 24Hz. Does this actually limit the output? I want to run 4k at a higher refresh rate (60 would be great but at least 45)

The 4K limit on the motherboard is for the on-board graphics capability and doesn't play into your GPU's performance. In fact, unless you have an APU or are running with no GPU (discrete graphics) and an Intel CPU with iGPU (integrated graphics), the on-board graphics will not even be used or on since all video will pass through your GPU instead. Just worry about the GPU's capabilities and make sure you have the proper DisplayPort or HDMI cable to handle your preferred...

The 4K limit on the motherboard is for the on-board graphics capability and doesn't play into your GPU's performance. In fact, unless you have an APU or are running with no GPU (discrete graphics) and an Intel CPU with iGPU (integrated graphics), the on-board graphics will not even be used or on since all video will pass through your GPU instead. Just worry about the GPU's capabilities and make sure you have the proper DisplayPort or HDMI cable to handle your preferred resolution. 4K does require the most recent generations of cables, especially for HDMI.