Can my Asus Z97-E motherboard support 2 graphic cards

Jun 16, 2018
Will my motherboard the Asus the Z87-E/USB3.1 Support two graphics card? Currently I have an EVGA SSC 950 in it and I want to know if I should just sell it and upgrade to a brand new card or add another card two the motherboards. Also can you have two different cards and have them run together, even if there not in SLI/Crossfire. Thank you for your time.
Yes, you can, I have seen configs with a gtx970 and a gtx960 working in parallel. Even if your motherboard supports, it a 950 SLI will be trouble for your PSU and won't be nearly as efficient as a mid-range video card. My suggestion is to keep your money and spend it to get a gtx1060 6gb.
NOTE: The example above was NOT for gaming purposes, you can't use two dissimilar video cards for games as of 2018 unless the use the same architecture and share the same features.
Yes, you can, I have seen configs with a gtx970 and a gtx960 working in parallel. Even if your motherboard supports, it a 950 SLI will be trouble for your PSU and won't be nearly as efficient as a mid-range video card. My suggestion is to keep your money and spend it to get a gtx1060 6gb.
NOTE: The example above was NOT for gaming purposes, you can't use two dissimilar video cards for games as of 2018 unless the use the same architecture and share the same features.