Can My Computer Run Far Cry 4

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Nov 23, 2014
can my computer run Far Cry 4 on lowest settings and get at least 25fps, I have seen minimum requirements and my graphics card is just under the minimum requirements. I can run Far Cry 3 at fairly high settings.
Tech Stuff:
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GT 740M
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3520m CPU @ 2.90GHz
Memory: 8.00 GB RAM
Resolution: 1920x1080, 60Hz
Driver Version: 344.75
OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1
You should be fine since they both use the same engine and FC4 looks almost the same with some minor enhancements. Despite the similarities, the game is different and for some reason, at the moment, it runs better on Nvidia cards than AMD cards (might have something to do with it being an "Nvidia, the way its meant to be played" game. I noticed that you want to run it at 60hz. One of the new video settings in FC4 is the ability to choose refresh rate. You can force it to run at 60, 50 or 24Hz which might improve your performance but cap your FPS. If you can't average more than 30 FPS anyway, it will probably be smoother at 24Hz. You can also disable all the post-processing...
pf... 1920x1080? it wont run it with GT 740M certainly. on 1366x768 it could run at lowest with 30 FPS somewhat. though probably even that would require OCing.

Btw you didnt understood the min requirements.. GTX 460 is significantly superior to for example GT 740 which itself is whole head over against GT 740M.
Were you playing FC3 in DX9 or DX11? FC4 is DX11 only so it requires a lot more GPU power. If you were getting good frame rates in FC3 in DX11 in medium-high detail, you should be able to play FC4 in at least medium detail and get decent FPS.
You should be fine since they both use the same engine and FC4 looks almost the same with some minor enhancements. Despite the similarities, the game is different and for some reason, at the moment, it runs better on Nvidia cards than AMD cards (might have something to do with it being an "Nvidia, the way its meant to be played" game. I noticed that you want to run it at 60hz. One of the new video settings in FC4 is the ability to choose refresh rate. You can force it to run at 60, 50 or 24Hz which might improve your performance but cap your FPS. If you can't average more than 30 FPS anyway, it will probably be smoother at 24Hz. You can also disable all the post-processing, AA, AO, the lighting effects and turn off 'god rays' to try to improve performance while leaving everything else at medium. It is too bad that you can't play a demo to see if it will work on your PC first unless you have a friend that will let you use his/her Ubisoft account so that you can try it first. This is one of the nice things about consoles.

Wait until they release the next patch. Right now, version 1.3 still has some bugs that need to be fixed. They are saying that 1.4 should fix them which includes random crashes and a bunch of other weird issues. Usually, if you wait like a month or so, the price will get cut in at least half. It happens with all the major AAA games. They might even have a winter/Christmas sale soon that could drop the price even more. I didn't buy Far Cry 3 until about a year after it came out and I got the complete edition with all the DLCs for like $7 and Blood Dragon for something ridiculous like $3.
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