Can my d-link dir-655 router be used as a booster


Nov 21, 2013

Reading the threads, my situation is a D-Link 655 which has worked very well with an internet feed from a VirginMedia modem.
Now I'm supplying it with an internet feed from the new (2013) Virginmedia black box hub - this thing offers ethernet LAN connectors.
Result: Very good WIFI connection, but no internet connection

Hi RealBeast,
I was trying to find a way of using the DIR-655 as a WIFI repeater - I don't know the jargon.
However, I've found a solution at:

and this works, despite me not having two D-Links.
My first modem/router is the VirginMedia hub, but this technique still works.
Thanks for your ideas.
Here is how to set up the DIR-655 as an access point, I have two currently being used like this and it will extend your network well.

Turn off the DHCP in the DIR-655, change its radio channel so that it is different from the main router (selecting from channels 1, 6, and 11 the non-overlapping ones), use the same security type and passkey, also use the same SSID. Connect it LAN port to LAN port to the main router with an Ethernet cable. Give the DIR-655 a static address in the network range and enter that address in the main router static table, insuring that it is outside the DHCP range.

So for example if your gateway address is 192.168.x.1, make the DIR-655 192.168.x.2, and set the DHCP assignable range 192.168.x.3 to .254.